Sunday, November 2, 2014

How to get a baby out and other tips for the end of pregnancy

Both of my children were born prior to their due dates. Zoey was 2 days early and Emmet was 4. I prepared myself to be 2 weeks late with Zoey so it was a huge surprise when she came early. I also prepared myself with some responses for people when they said things like "I can't believe you haven't had that baby yet" or "you're still here?" Even when your due date hasn't yet arrived. I'm not that prepared with what to say this time because the doctors and midwives all predicted that they would have this baby out by now, so it's actually kind of a surprise to me that she's still in there. 

Anyway, about a week before the others were due I started all of those things that people tell you will work to get babies out. So I'm not sure exactly which one actually works. But no sense in breaking habit so I'll continue to try them all.

First step to prepare is a little Evening Primrose Oil. Truth be told, I'm not using it and haven't since my first pregnancy, but it's supposed to soften the cervix and get your body ready. My first pregnancy, the recommendation was two in the mouth and two down south, once a day. Yes, that's what I mean.

On Saturday, I started by making a delicious eggplant parmesan for dinner. I also ate it for lunch today. Why eggplant parm, you say? I have no idea. A midwife once told me that maybe it has something to do with eggplant being a nightshade and the mix of oregano and spicy tomato sauce....Maybe this is true.

I certainly plan to have some spicy Thai food this week. Probably early in the week. Maybe even Monday for lunch. Everyone has heard about this. Seriously, it works. Probably.

Today, I raked leaves in the backyard for 2 hours. Vigorous housework is supposed to do the trick. I was sweating, I bagged the leaves too, which was no small feat. Alright, I only ended up making two bags. There is still a huge pile of leaves in the yard. I wonder when those will get bagged.....

I've been stomping up and down the stairs each time I have to use them, which I know will probably help move this process along. 

Tomorrow I'm getting a massage, where my amazing massage therapist and one of my BFF's will use her magical, healing acupressure to get this show on the road. She's a certified Pre-natal Massage Therapist, so she's got just the right touch! Plus, she's got these amazing pillows that allow me to lay on my front. I actually might be pissed if the baby comes before my 10:30 appointment tomorrow.

Some other things I haven't tried, but probably should include eating dates. Apparently I should be eating 6 a day in order to increase my dilation. At almost 5 centimeters, if I start now, I should be delivering BGJ by midweek, right? 

Galloping is also a suggestion, but I prefer the idea of curb-walking....Please see this video for a short tutorial:

If by Friday, I'm still around, I will be spending the evening eating pizza, drinking a beer and then Jessi will drive me around on bumpy roads. This should do the trick.

And if not, hopefully that beer will get me in the mood for what every 39 week pregnant lady really wants. You know what I'm talking about, right? I don't have to spell it out do I? My dad is reading this. #lastresort #sorryjimnooffense

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