Saturday, November 16, 2013

Statistics schmatistics (post by Jessi)

Maggie, Ben and I headed into this life-altering journey armed with statistics.  Based on my age and Maggie's age, we had a 60% chance towards a positive outcome.  The odds were in our favor considering those statistics were based on success rates for women (or their partners) with known fertility issues. None of us have any problems going on with our downstairs.  If you've followed this blog for any time you'd know that my eggs are perfecto, Ben's sperm army is nothing short than admirable and Maggie's ute has produced two gorgeous children without any complications and required nothing more than "legs up the wall pose" for planned conception.  Maybe we were a little over-confident, but wouldn't you be, too, given the circumstances?

We only got three embryos (8 eggs from retrieval, 3 of which fertilized). Two embryos were transferred and failed which leaves us with one frozen embryo.  The odds are already stacked against us for the next transfer because just like any fruit, vegetable or meat, fresh is better than frozen.  The embryos transferred on 11/4 were both fresh and Grade A.  Bet you didn't know that embryos are graded!  Last time I heard, our sole frozen embryo was a Grade B.  Because of its inferior grade, it's less likely to nestle into Maggie's ute than the two As but there's still a chance.  How much of a chance, you ask?  Hell if I know! [Oh shit, did I just say that?  I've had two margaritas and now I'm channeling my Grandpa Holcomb with the "hell if I know" shit! - Also, sorry for the swearing, Grandma, but you know . . .  tequila.]

At any rate, we pick ourselves up and carry on.  'Cause that's what people like us do!
 Special thanks to all of you who've kept the positive vibes, prayers, love and support flowing and will no doubt continue to do so as we embark onto chapter two.  Also, thank you to my parents who kept my mind busy this afternoon by blowing up my ceiling fan (No, really Dad.  That fan was already half dead.) And taking me out to dinner because otherwise I probably would've just eaten  microwaved cheese.  Finally thank you all of you reading this and those that sent happy, supportive texts, vmails, etc (you know who you are).  Today's winner is our BFF, Kate. 

Thanks for the laugh.  This chapter is now closed.  Chapter two begins NOW.

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