Friday, September 20, 2013

Everything really does happen for a reason (post by Jessi)

Years ago I bought my mom a magnet that says “Everything happens for a reason.” This has always been my mantra; I probably should’ve bought one for myself too.  I don’t know if it’s destiny, fate, a higher power or the forces of the universe but I have resolved to the belief that every moment and life event I’ve experienced is supposed to happen.  Sure, I still have choices on how I’m going to react or deal with a particular situation but I take comfort in knowing the journey of life is filled with good, bad and everything in between.

For the past two years, it’s as if my journey has been full of good.  This isn’t to say that there hasn’t been bad but since I’ve met Benny, the bad is practically insignificant.  I have a newfound sense of clarity and know I’m with the love of my life, surrounded by the best friends and family one could have and am completely at peace with who I am, what I stand for and how I got here.  

We are eternally grateful for the opportunity Maggie is providing for us.  In the 18 years we’ve been friends, she’s always been the “helper” and the “giver” so I’m not surprised she’d volunteer to be a carrier but I am completely overwhelmed and humbled that she’s chosen to do it for us.  I hope you will follow this blog and continue to support Maggie and her family as she embarks on one of her most selfless acts of kindness.  

1 comment:

  1. I still have that refrigerator magnet on my refrigerator, (right next to the one that says," I'm still hot, it just comes in flashes now")
    I agree with you about everything, especially about there being a higher power, and I thank God every day for the wonderful oppourtunity provided for you by such an amazing friend Maggie. I'm so proud of both of you, my heart over flows with joy, gratitude, and hope.
